Anorexia and Bulimia
Eating Disorder treatment and Therapist in Plano, TX
Living with an eating disorder is emotionally and physically taxing, and can be life threatening. An eating disorder is considered a major mental illness. Eating disorders have high rates of hospitalizations and medical complications, AND have the highest death rates of all psychiatric disorders. As a result, they require the attention of a team of eating disorder specialists who know how to address the related physical and mental health problems.
If you are an adult who has experienced symptoms of an eating disorder since adolescence or early adulthood, and you have had treatment or therapy in the past, I can help you continue your recovery journey. Perhaps you have had your eating disorder for many years, but never got help. I can help. Maybe your symptoms just began in adulthood. I can help you, as well.
You know you have a problem. You want to change, but need more support and accountability. You’re ready to get help.
How eating disorder counseling can help
I have 20 years of experience as a therapist helping people figure out how to improve their lives. As a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist, I also have a deep understanding of the counseling methods supported by research to best treat the eating disorder symptoms of restricting, binge eating, purging, overexercise, and body image distress, as well as the anxiety and depression that are often related.
Recovery from an eating disorder is possible!
Clients who work with me begin to feel empowered when they understand how their eating disorder developed, and what maintains it in the present. They learn to replace the eating disorder behaviors with new coping strategies that are more effective, longer lasting, and more rewarding than those offered by their eating disorder. I gently but firmly guide clients toward recovery, toward a fuller and more rewarding life in line with their most treasured values.
I provide referrals to other top-notch experts in eating disorder treatment, including dietitians, psychiatrists, and other medical providers, and collaborate often with these other treatment team members.
If you are ready to explore how therapy for eating disorders such as Anorexia and Bulimia can help you reclaim your life, contact me at 469-850-2420 or danesa@danesadaniel.com to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation. My office is in Plano, Texas, and conveniently located near Frisco, Allen, McKinney, Prosper, The Colony, Little Elm, Addison, North Dallas, and Richardson.
Learn more about eating disorder therapist Danesa here.
Specialties: Anorexia treatment in Plano; Bulimia treatment in Plano