Disordered Eating
Many people are aware of what an eating disorder is, but disordered eating may sound less familiar. Disordered eating is not a diagnosis but a phrase that describes a range of problematic eating behaviors. The signs of disordered eating are similar to those of an eating disorder, but the impact on one’s daily functioning is less severe.
While disordered eating may not result in the extreme symptoms seen in a diagnosable eating disorder, it can still negatively impact your life. Someone with disordered eating may miss work, school, or personal events because of anxiety or discomfort around food, or because of an obsessive exercise routine. Frequent thoughts about food and exercise may affect your ability to focus or concentrate on other important areas of life.
Disordered eating can also take a mental and physical toll. Negative self-talk can impact mental health, and disordered eating habits can impact physical health, such as cardiovascular and intestinal health. Disordered eating puts you at a higher risk of developing an eating disorder.
If you find yourself struggling with:
Frequent dieting or obsessive calorie counting for weight loss
Rigid food restriction or skipping meals
Guilt and shame about eating
Obsessive exercising, or exercise to "punish" for overeating
Binging, compulsive eating, or purging
Low self-worth or self-esteem because of your weight or body size
Feeling out of control around food, or binge eating or compulsive eating
Chronic weight fluctuations
Using exercise, calorie restriction, fasting, or purging to "counteract" eating "bad" foods
Preoccupation with food, weight, and body image that negatively affects daily life
… then you may be suffering from disordered eating.
What causes people to engage in disordered eating can be complex, and vary by individual. Therapy with an eating disorder specialist can help you understand what led to these behaviors and learn to accept yourself as you are. Therapy can help you create healthier habits and coping skills.
If you're struggling with disordered eating and would like a gentle guide to help you sort through things, give me a call. I specialize in disordered eating, anorexia and bulimia, binge eating disorder, overeating and emotional eating. I also specialize in anxiety disorders, stress and perfectionism. I see clients in person in my Plano, Texas office, and online across the state of Texas. Click below or call/text me at 469-850-2420. My office is in Plano, TX near Frisco, McKinney and Allen. I also