If you're looking for counseling in Plano in 2023, it's a tough road. As I've covered in recent posts here and here, many factors have created a very different landscape for counseling in Plano post-pandemic. In general, the therapy market is more crowded, health insurance has changed, and people have experienced so many personal changes that it's hard to know what kind of therapy to look for and where to find it. My Plano counseling clients tell me that post-pandemic they struggle more with anxiety and eating disorders than ever before, yet aren't sure which problem is the most distressing. This uncertainty can make it hard to take that first step in seeking out help for mental health challenges.
But people need therapy more than ever, and it can be life-changing! In this blog post, I want to share what I believe are the most important facts about counseling. I hope this will help alleviate fear of the unknown, and motivate you to start looking for the right counselor in Plano.
We tend to believe that therapy is just for those with serious, debilitating mental health problems. Mental health stigma is a reality: American culture (and many others) view “needing” counseling as a sign of weakness. But what if we could instead see it as a strength? As a sign that you’re committed to becoming the best version of yourself. Perhaps a sign that you’re making sense of your past and making new choices in the present. I believe our culture falls short of teaching us how to successfully manage our emotions, cope with difficult times, and be in relationships. Therapy can help you do this better. These are skills for EVERYONE.
It's true that Plano is a high-cost area to live in. Counseling in Plano is also more expensive these days, along with everything else. Insurance premiums are higher, and more plans are deductible-based, making people hesitant to seek help. But one way to make therapy affordable is to use your out-of-network benefits. You can also use a company such as Reimbursify to help with this. They will submit your claims and help get your money back. Here's the bottom line: Do a quick comparison. What's the cost of weekly counseling for a year compared to the cost of continuing in the same destructive patterns at the end of the same year? What means the most to you? YOU make it affordable.
We all know that counseling is supposed to be challenging. If it was easy, we could do it ourselves or with our friends. When we seek counseling, we expect to be challenged by the therapist, to dig deep and discover why we keep doing the same damn thing over and over. This often keeps people from doing it at all. It's scary. But what if I told you that the benefits of counseling extend beyond the primary reason you went to therapy in the first place? As a counselor in Plano who treats anxiety, eating disorders, and body image problems, I know firsthand that therapy clients see improvements beyond these issues. They learn to set better boundaries at work. They become more present parents. Their friendships and romantic relationships improve.
Therapy, while undoubtedly challenging, offers a safe and supportive environment where one can explore their emotions, confront deep-rooted issues, and develop valuable coping mechanisms. Counseling in Plano, Texas is not just about facing difficulties in high-stress environments; it's about embracing the opportunity to create a fulfilling and meaningful life.
When clients at my Plano counseling practice begin with me, one of the first questions they have is how often we should meet. The answer depends on a few factors, such as their schedule and finances, as well as the severity of their symptoms. However, particularly at the beginning of therapy, consistent attendance yields greater results compared to infrequent appointments. Studies show that having therapy every week helps you improve faster and deal with past and current issues better. If you want to see changes in your life, make sure you go to therapy frequently and don't skip appointments.
The reality is that, although consistent therapy is important, sometimes it just isn't possible. Life gets in the way. Kids are born. Jobs are lost. Relationships break up. Sometimes people need to take breaks from working on their shit, and that's ok. Therapy will always be there when you're ready to pick up where you left off. One of the most important facts I've learned in my career is that even if it takes a long time, you will likely recover at some point. You will benefit from what you've learned during counseling.
I hope this information helps you find counseling in Plano. If you are still unsure, feel free to contact me at (469) 850-2420 or for a free 15-minute phone consultation. I’d be happy to listen and help direct you to the right person. I am well-connected with many great therapists in the Plano area. If you’re looking for help with eating disorders (binge eating or anorexia and bulimia) or anxiety, you can read more about how I can help on my website.